Sunday, February 14, 2010

Back to School Slide Presentation

Back to School Night presentation

The benefits and potential use of making a slide presentation to parents and students is that they will be able to have a visual of my explanations. A slide presentation also has lasting effect on viewers because they will have the option of looking at the presentation as many times as they please.
In addition, if I happened to be sick and may have to be out for a long period of time I can create slide presentations and post them on my teacher web page for students to access. Or if I have to travel for a teacher conference this would be a great way to stay connected and communicate with my students.
I would like to include a lesson in teaching my students how to create a slide presentation so that they too can receive the benefits of using this wonderful tool.


  1. Nice job. Do you have any ideas on the specifics for your different media (technology) options student scan use?

  2. I was thinking digital arts programs such as the the use of Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign.
